StackExchange websites have a feature where questions with a lot of engagement can be tagged in a way that prevents new users from answering them. This is a way to prevent low quality answers.
It seems to me that there are questions like my recent post How would you run the statistics on whether Ivermectin helped India reduce COVID-19 cases? where it would be valuable to have a similar mechanism, as I see a person posting anecdotal links when the question isn’t about having anecdotes but searches for a higher level of evidence. In general such a status would also be useful for any political discussions.
StackExchange websites have a feature where questions with a lot of engagement can be tagged in a way that prevents new users from answering them. This is a way to prevent low quality answers.
It seems to me that there are questions like my recent post How would you run the statistics on whether Ivermectin helped India reduce COVID-19 cases? where it would be valuable to have a similar mechanism, as I see a person posting anecdotal links when the question isn’t about having anecdotes but searches for a higher level of evidence. In general such a status would also be useful for any political discussions.
Is there a way to submit and vote for features? Would support this.
Or a way to filter by that.