“To ‘take over the world’? That must be the natural killer application for a secret clone army… All those clone projects were survivalist projects. They all failed, all of them. Because they lacked transparency.”
Radical projects need widespread distributed oversight, with peer review and a loyal opposition to test them. They have to be open and testable. Otherwise, you’ve just got his desperate little closed bubble. And of course that tends to sour very fast.
“To ‘take over the world’? That must be the natural killer application for a secret clone army… All those clone projects were survivalist projects. They all failed, all of them. Because they lacked transparency.”
Radical projects need widespread distributed oversight, with peer review and a loyal opposition to test them. They have to be open and testable. Otherwise, you’ve just got his desperate little closed bubble. And of course that tends to sour very fast.
Bruce Sterling in “The caryatides”