I think this is all more complicated than it needs to be. There are a few different clusters for what people mean by love, but they are easy to describe, and only one of them should be called love.
1.Like but stronger. Basically used a strengthened version of lied due to an analogy to actual love. (Because love is much stronger than like.) For instance, I love certain music. It involves valuing people and things for their attributes. People want to be loved, but also strongly liked, which is why people ask others why they love them, because they really are asking why the other likes them so much.
2. Lust or desire. Better to use those terms which are much clearer.
3. Someone (or something I suppose) has become of significant terminal value to you, and so their interest, under their own definition, has to an extent become your own. You work for their benefit, because it is genuinely valuable to you. Actual love. Covers soulmates, familial, true friendship, agape, etc. What people mean when they say that love is a virtue is because of what this entails.
I think this is all more complicated than it needs to be. There are a few different clusters for what people mean by love, but they are easy to describe, and only one of them should be called love.
1.Like but stronger. Basically used a strengthened version of lied due to an analogy to actual love. (Because love is much stronger than like.) For instance, I love certain music. It involves valuing people and things for their attributes. People want to be loved, but also strongly liked, which is why people ask others why they love them, because they really are asking why the other likes them so much.
2. Lust or desire. Better to use those terms which are much clearer.
3. Someone (or something I suppose) has become of significant terminal value to you, and so their interest, under their own definition, has to an extent become your own. You work for their benefit, because it is genuinely valuable to you. Actual love. Covers soulmates, familial, true friendship, agape, etc. What people mean when they say that love is a virtue is because of what this entails.