There has been one in Farmington Hills but (so far) it has not turned into a regular thing.
Edit: No teenagers were there. I don’t know what the median age was. (Probably in the 20s or 30s.)
Oh, well… Not that I’d.. well, yeah, I’d probably feel a bit awkward. Still, I plan on going to Chicago sometime in the next year, do teenagers show up at the Chicago one?
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There has been one in Farmington Hills but (so far) it has not turned into a regular thing.
Edit: No teenagers were there. I don’t know what the median age was. (Probably in the 20s or 30s.)
Oh, well… Not that I’d.. well, yeah, I’d probably feel a bit awkward. Still, I plan on going to Chicago sometime in the next year, do teenagers show up at the Chicago one?