Currently it is just a repository of links sorted by a SR algorithm. However, I’ll consider pinging for summaries, thanks for the reference.
I’m wary of implementing the flashcard behavior, as it allows users to cherry pick information, and possibly exclude more important information on a page, thereby by-passing the utility of learning the material.
Personally, flashcard usage seems to reinforce some sort of reflexive response to queries, rather than encouraging one to turn fields of knowledge into well-trodden gardens, as a neuroprosthetic should. I’m not sure whether this happens to the majority of users or not, more research needed.
flashcard usage seems to reinforce some sort of reflexive response to queries
This is my fear also. I trust SR for factoids, references and vocabulary—not so much for skill (at least, not in its default form).
I’ve heard that the folks at are looking to improve their summaries index page. I’d be very excited to see a hybrid of your webapp and their service. Maybe shoot them an email?
Currently it is just a repository of links sorted by a SR algorithm. However, I’ll consider pinging for summaries, thanks for the reference.
I’m wary of implementing the flashcard behavior, as it allows users to cherry pick information, and possibly exclude more important information on a page, thereby by-passing the utility of learning the material.
Personally, flashcard usage seems to reinforce some sort of reflexive response to queries, rather than encouraging one to turn fields of knowledge into well-trodden gardens, as a neuroprosthetic should. I’m not sure whether this happens to the majority of users or not, more research needed.
This is my fear also. I trust SR for factoids, references and vocabulary—not so much for skill (at least, not in its default form).
I’ve heard that the folks at are looking to improve their summaries index page. I’d be very excited to see a hybrid of your webapp and their service. Maybe shoot them an email?