She asked for your opinion; pressed you to actually give it, thus communicating (by any reasonable measure) that she actually wanted your opinion; and then, when you gave it honestly, was unhappy about it? That’s horrible.
Particularly given the replies you have prompted it is worth emphasising the ‘pressed you’ phrase. The combination of pressing for honest feedback and handling it poorly is a very different thing to handling honesty poorly without attempting to force ‘honest’ feedback be given.
(Note that the information given does not lead me to conclude that the girlfriend must have been executing that pattern but hypothetical people who do so do thereby lose some measure of want-to-date-them-ness.)
Particularly given the replies you have prompted it is worth emphasising the ‘pressed you’ phrase. The combination of pressing for honest feedback and handling it poorly is a very different thing to handling honesty poorly without attempting to force ‘honest’ feedback be given.
(Note that the information given does not lead me to conclude that the girlfriend must have been executing that pattern but hypothetical people who do so do thereby lose some measure of want-to-date-them-ness.)
It’s possible that she learned that pressing for an honest opinion isn’t a good idea for her.