Sounds exactly like a thought-stopper to me.
I believe in retrospect that I spent a long while trying to avoid all thought of reality, with a good bit of success, in order to avoid facing my mortality. My vaguely Christian beliefs during that time seem of a piece with this.
Fair enough. Not just that thought-stopper, then. (insofar as they can be distinguished, though I might, as per your example, be completely wrong.)
Sounds exactly like a thought-stopper to me.
I believe in retrospect that I spent a long while trying to avoid all thought of reality, with a good bit of success, in order to avoid facing my mortality. My vaguely Christian beliefs during that time seem of a piece with this.
Fair enough. Not just that thought-stopper, then. (insofar as they can be distinguished, though I might, as per your example, be completely wrong.)