Using terms that I picked up here which are not well known, or mean different things in different contexts
Also, I sometimes over pattern match arguments and concepts I’ve picked up on Lesswrong to other situations, which can result in trying to condescendingly explain something irrelevant.
I do something similar. I consistently massively underestimate the inferential gaps when I’m talking about these things, and end up spending half an hour talking about tangential stuff the Sequences explain better and faster.
Since I mostly communicate in Dutch when in meatspace, I find myself rarely using terms directly from Less Wrong (because good translations don’t always come to mind). Of course, this isn’t exactly a lifehack, since you wouldn’t expect most people to move to a different language zone for a minor benefit.
Using terms that I picked up here which are not well known, or mean different things in different contexts
Also, I sometimes over pattern match arguments and concepts I’ve picked up on Lesswrong to other situations, which can result in trying to condescendingly explain something irrelevant.
I do something similar. I consistently massively underestimate the inferential gaps when I’m talking about these things, and end up spending half an hour talking about tangential stuff the Sequences explain better and faster.
Since I mostly communicate in Dutch when in meatspace, I find myself rarely using terms directly from Less Wrong (because good translations don’t always come to mind). Of course, this isn’t exactly a lifehack, since you wouldn’t expect most people to move to a different language zone for a minor benefit.
Same with me. Except pointing to LW or the sequences doesn’t help.