Check out this great paper: “From Word Models to World Models: Translating from Natural Language to the Probabilistic Language of Thought” proposes “probabilistic programming” as a formal “Probabilistic Language of Thought” (PLoT) with precise formal Bayesian reasoning. They show in 4 domains how a large language model can convert an informal statement or chain of reasoning into a precise probabilistic program, do precise Bayesian reasoning on that, and then convert the results back into informal natural language.
Check out this great paper: “From Word Models to World Models: Translating from Natural Language to the Probabilistic Language of Thought” It proposes “probabilistic programming” as a formal “Probabilistic Language of Thought” (PLoT) with precise formal Bayesian reasoning. They show in 4 domains how a large language model can convert an informal statement or chain of reasoning into a precise probabilistic program, do precise Bayesian reasoning on that, and then convert the results back into informal natural language.