Yeah, good point!
Status pacifists is a very good descriptive name for the status immersion I see here.
Pacifists talk about war much more than your average person, that doesn’t make them bellicose.
I think in my case, and I wonder in how many others, I was being bombed and didn’t even know it. Didn’t understand it. Didn’t get it.
Didn’t connect the damage done to me or others with a benefit to the attacker. They were just a bomb throwing dick.
Yeah, good point!
Status pacifists is a very good descriptive name for the status immersion I see here.
Pacifists talk about war much more than your average person, that doesn’t make them bellicose.
I think in my case, and I wonder in how many others, I was being bombed and didn’t even know it. Didn’t understand it. Didn’t get it.
Didn’t connect the damage done to me or others with a benefit to the attacker. They were just a bomb throwing dick.