I’ve been cutting back on video game purchases because they make them faster than I can beat them. My Backloggery is something of a testament to the relative speed of acquisitions vs. completions. In other words, I’ve turned into this guy, only more so, without actually meaning to.
I’m mostly a console gamer, actually, aside from Magic Online. And I probably spend more time playing handhelds than anything else, because I don’t have to compete with my parents for the TV and can play them in bed at night (and turn them off easily when I get tired and want to sleep).
I did get a gaming-quality PC not too long ago, though.
A less silly rule is to read the parent of the comment you’re replying to so that the comment thread does not turn into a Markov chain of order 1.
(That is, I don’t believe that the hyperlink thing is the reason you were downvoted; most likely it is that CronoDAS had already linked to the same comic.)
I’ve been cutting back on video game purchases because they make them faster than I can beat them. My Backloggery is something of a testament to the relative speed of acquisitions vs. completions. In other words, I’ve turned into this guy, only more so, without actually meaning to.
I find playing the best liked games from three years ago sort of optimal.
Looking back the best games of 2010 or 2009 are easier to identify
Fully patched pirated versions are around
You can run them on a reasonably priced laptop.
I’m mostly a console gamer, actually, aside from Magic Online. And I probably spend more time playing handhelds than anything else, because I don’t have to compete with my parents for the TV and can play them in bed at night (and turn them off easily when I get tired and want to sleep).
I did get a gaming-quality PC not too long ago, though.
Sorry, can’t hyperlink from phone.
Edit: hyperlinked
Edit before retraction: As Kindly points out below, reading comprehension FAIL from me.
The xkcd link format is really easy—http://xkcd.com/606/ isn’t too hard to type.
Ok, lesson learned—don’t post a comment that requires a link if I’m not able to make the hyperlink because I can’t copy and paste.
That’s a silly rule, but at least it is easy to follow.
A less silly rule is to read the parent of the comment you’re replying to so that the comment thread does not turn into a Markov chain of order 1.
(That is, I don’t believe that the hyperlink thing is the reason you were downvoted; most likely it is that CronoDAS had already linked to the same comic.)