While we’re at it, on the same topic:
Value Formation: An Overarching Model
A logic to deal with inconsistent preferences
Resolving von Neumann-Inconsistent Preferences
Using vector fields to visualise preferences and make them consistent
Value systematization: how values become coherent (and misaligned)
The Value Change Problem (sequence)
The hot mess theory of AI misalignment: More intelligent agents behave less coherently (though, boy, do I have some gripes with the methodology in this one)
I also read a paper85% two years ago showing that more intelligent humans have less cyclic preferences, but I can’t find it after 30 minutes of searching. I’d appreciate a pointer if anyone knows the paper I’m talking about.
While we’re at it, on the same topic:
Value Formation: An Overarching Model
A logic to deal with inconsistent preferences
Resolving von Neumann-Inconsistent Preferences
Using vector fields to visualise preferences and make them consistent
Value systematization: how values become coherent (and misaligned)
The Value Change Problem (sequence)
The hot mess theory of AI misalignment: More intelligent agents behave less coherently (though, boy, do I have some gripes with the methodology in this one)
I also read a paper85% two years ago showing that more intelligent humans have less cyclic preferences, but I can’t find it after 30 minutes of searching. I’d appreciate a pointer if anyone knows the paper I’m talking about.