does this for online poker to a level of arbitrary perfection, by predicting your opponents likely play in the current situation given all of their previous play.
If you are playing online poker for moderate to high amounts of money and you are not using software to do ideal Bayesian predictions of your opponents play in realtime, you are the sucker.
“ideal Bayesian predictions of your opponents play in realtime”?
This sounds to me like you’re exaggerating what the software you use does. Are you involved with the people making money from selling that software?
Personally, I use a competing software suite (, do you mean to claim that PokerOffice does significantly more than this one does?
I haven’t actively played poker online for many years and I was probably exaggerating, maybe confusing the data analysis of the past with the ability to make predictions for future play. does this for online poker to a level of arbitrary perfection, by predicting your opponents likely play in the current situation given all of their previous play.
If you are playing online poker for moderate to high amounts of money and you are not using software to do ideal Bayesian predictions of your opponents play in realtime, you are the sucker.
“ideal Bayesian predictions of your opponents play in realtime”?
This sounds to me like you’re exaggerating what the software you use does. Are you involved with the people making money from selling that software?
Personally, I use a competing software suite (, do you mean to claim that PokerOffice does significantly more than this one does?
I haven’t actively played poker online for many years and I was probably exaggerating, maybe confusing the data analysis of the past with the ability to make predictions for future play.