Unless one wants to risk going the way of Georg Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Gödel, Alan Turing and others, I would lighten up on the philosophy and math approach to reality. These men all went insane and committed suicide pursuing infinities and other irrational ideas.
Mental disease, it seems, is a part of the general human condition, and not a flaw of the “philosophy and math approach to reality...pursuing infinities and other irrational ideas”.
Arguing from a few famous anecdotes? Not a good approach, especially since more systematic approaches show rates similar to what one would expect of the general population: http://blog.computationalcomplexity.org/2011/07/disproofing-myth-that-many-early.html
Mental disease, it seems, is a part of the general human condition, and not a flaw of the “philosophy and math approach to reality...pursuing infinities and other irrational ideas”.