I thought part of the point of the −5 penalty was to keep interesting discussions from happening down stream of downvoted comments. In that case isn’t responding to heavily downvoted comments in a different thread exactly what should happen?
I thought part of the point of the −5 penalty was to keep interesting discussions from happening down stream of downvoted comments. In that case isn’t responding to heavily downvoted comments in a different thread exactly what should happen?
I assumed that either Eliezer just didn’t like the subject or that the comment actually quoted a −5 comment. Hang on. This can be checked. We can see from Eliezer’s page which author Eliezer was replying to and look at that user’s page.
(From what I can tell everything the user in question has written has been downvoted.)
I understood the system actually stops the thread starter from replying to replies to their own comment if they have less than +5 total karma. Stop people talking to people talking to them and they will go for a circumvent.
Maybe just let people accrue more negative karma when replying to downvoted threads rather than stopping them when they hit the arbitrary zero point?
Deleted due to the attempt to evade the −5 penalty.
I thought part of the point of the −5 penalty was to keep interesting discussions from happening down stream of downvoted comments. In that case isn’t responding to heavily downvoted comments in a different thread exactly what should happen?
I assumed that either Eliezer just didn’t like the subject or that the comment actually quoted a −5 comment. Hang on. This can be checked. We can see from Eliezer’s page which author Eliezer was replying to and look at that user’s page.
(From what I can tell everything the user in question has written has been downvoted.)
I understood the system actually stops the thread starter from replying to replies to their own comment if they have less than +5 total karma. Stop people talking to people talking to them and they will go for a circumvent.
Maybe just let people accrue more negative karma when replying to downvoted threads rather than stopping them when they hit the arbitrary zero point?