With apologies for being so late to the party, I’m somewhat perplexed by a post entitled “The Map is Not the Territory” that then dismisses the originator with a pithy, ”...some fellow named Korzybski...” Given that the site deals with AI/ML and that Korzybski is also credited with developing General Semantics (full of implications for AI) I’m guessing this apparently pithy dismissal belies an appreciation for Korzybski hidden elsewhere. I could be wrong tho.
With apologies for being so late to the party, I’m somewhat perplexed by a post entitled “The Map is Not the Territory” that then dismisses the originator with a pithy, ”...some fellow named Korzybski...” Given that the site deals with AI/ML and that Korzybski is also credited with developing General Semantics (full of implications for AI) I’m guessing this apparently pithy dismissal belies an appreciation for Korzybski hidden elsewhere. I could be wrong tho.