Excellent post, thank you. I appreciate your novel perspective on how AI might affect society.
I feel like a lot of LessWrong-style posts follow the theme of “AGI is created and then everyone dies” which is an important possibility but might lead to other possibilities being neglected.
Whereas this post explores a range of scenarios and describes a mainline scenario that seems like a straightforward extrapolation of trends we’ve seen unfolding over the past several decades.
Excellent post, thank you. I appreciate your novel perspective on how AI might affect society.
I feel like a lot of LessWrong-style posts follow the theme of “AGI is created and then everyone dies” which is an important possibility but might lead to other possibilities being neglected.
Whereas this post explores a range of scenarios and describes a mainline scenario that seems like a straightforward extrapolation of trends we’ve seen unfolding over the past several decades.