I was curious what fields of science were underrepresented here, so I googled “List of sciences” and this Wikipedia article comes up.
It lists as part of formal sciences: decision theory, logic, mathematics, statistics, systems theory and computer science. All of those are well represented on Lesswrong, with the exception of systems theory.
Of the natural sciences, it lists physics, chemistry, Earth science, ecology, oceanography, geography, meteorology, astronomy, and biology. While physics and biology are talked about quite a bit here, pretty much none of the other natural sciences are.
I was curious what fields of science were underrepresented here, so I googled “List of sciences” and this Wikipedia article comes up.
It lists as part of formal sciences: decision theory, logic, mathematics, statistics, systems theory and computer science. All of those are well represented on Lesswrong, with the exception of systems theory.
Of the natural sciences, it lists physics, chemistry, Earth science, ecology, oceanography, geography, meteorology, astronomy, and biology. While physics and biology are talked about quite a bit here, pretty much none of the other natural sciences are.