You have hedges suggesting low confidence in how accurately you have described the economic position, such as making half the econ sentences questions. That presents a rather weak foil/contrast for the argument; it might have been stronger with simply, “One simple way to signal quality X is by having quality X.” (“Signaling is not always about sending signals”?)
If bringing economics into it is so necessary that it goes in the title, this sounds like a case where more information should be gathered before even proposing answers.
You have hedges suggesting low confidence in how accurately you have described the economic position, such as making half the econ sentences questions. That presents a rather weak foil/contrast for the argument; it might have been stronger with simply, “One simple way to signal quality X is by having quality X.” (“Signaling is not always about sending signals”?)
If bringing economics into it is so necessary that it goes in the title, this sounds like a case where more information should be gathered before even proposing answers.