It seems like an interesting philosophy. Feel free to crosspost. You’ve definitely chosen some ambitious topics to try to cover, which I am generally a fan of.
Thanks! The key to topic selection is where we find that we are most disagreeing with the popular opinions. For example, the number of times I can cope with hearing someone saying “I don’t care about privacy, I have nothing to hide” is limited. We’re trying to have this article out before that limit is reached. But in order to reason about privacy’s utility and to ground it in root axioms, we first have to dive into why we need freedom. That, in turn requires thinking about mechanisms of a happy society. And that depends on our understanding of happiness, hence that’s where we’re starting.
It seems like an interesting philosophy. Feel free to crosspost. You’ve definitely chosen some ambitious topics to try to cover, which I am generally a fan of.
Thanks! The key to topic selection is where we find that we are most disagreeing with the popular opinions. For example, the number of times I can cope with hearing someone saying “I don’t care about privacy, I have nothing to hide” is limited. We’re trying to have this article out before that limit is reached. But in order to reason about privacy’s utility and to ground it in root axioms, we first have to dive into why we need freedom. That, in turn requires thinking about mechanisms of a happy society. And that depends on our understanding of happiness, hence that’s where we’re starting.