Every time I think you’re about to say something terribly naive, you surprise me. It looks like trying to design an AI morality is a good way to rid oneself of anthropomorphic notions of objective morality, and to try and see where to go from there.
Although I have to say the potshot at Nietzsche misses the mark; his philosophy is not a resignation to meaninglessness, but an investigation of how to go on and live a human or better-than-human life once the moral void has been recognized. I can’t really explicate or defend him in such a short remark, but I’ll say that most of the people who talk about Nietzsche (including, probably, me) read their own thoughts over his own; be cautious for that reason of dismissing him before reading any of his major works.
Every time I think you’re about to say something terribly naive, you surprise me. It looks like trying to design an AI morality is a good way to rid oneself of anthropomorphic notions of objective morality, and to try and see where to go from there.
Although I have to say the potshot at Nietzsche misses the mark; his philosophy is not a resignation to meaninglessness, but an investigation of how to go on and live a human or better-than-human life once the moral void has been recognized. I can’t really explicate or defend him in such a short remark, but I’ll say that most of the people who talk about Nietzsche (including, probably, me) read their own thoughts over his own; be cautious for that reason of dismissing him before reading any of his major works.