I would say that “living a cursed half-life” sounds more detrimental to the individual than to wider society. And in general, the limited discourse we hear (“you have slain something innocent to save yourself”) sounds more like that of punishment than corruption to me.
I always interpreted it as more of a corruption effect; a cursed half-life sounds to me like something where you lack various things that people consider important elements of being alive, perhaps things like taste and touch, perhaps also things like empathy.
So did I, in canon, I imagined unicorn-blood-drinking to be somewhat like horcrux, ripping you of the ability to love, feel empathy, … and that’s what Dumbledore and others consider “half life”. It’s an hypothesis that is worth probing before just saying “oh let’s farm unicorns”.
Makes you wonder if anyone has ever tried to research magics that restored someone’s empathy etc., or gave it to people born without. Somehow, I doubt it.
It’s likely observation bias, but the whole of the wizarding society seems to lack empathy; I join you in doubting that much research on the subject has been done.
I would say that “living a cursed half-life” sounds more detrimental to the individual than to wider society. And in general, the limited discourse we hear (“you have slain something innocent to save yourself”) sounds more like that of punishment than corruption to me.
I always interpreted it as more of a corruption effect; a cursed half-life sounds to me like something where you lack various things that people consider important elements of being alive, perhaps things like taste and touch, perhaps also things like empathy.
So did I, in canon, I imagined unicorn-blood-drinking to be somewhat like horcrux, ripping you of the ability to love, feel empathy, … and that’s what Dumbledore and others consider “half life”. It’s an hypothesis that is worth probing before just saying “oh let’s farm unicorns”.
Makes you wonder if anyone has ever tried to research magics that restored someone’s empathy etc., or gave it to people born without. Somehow, I doubt it.
It’s likely observation bias, but the whole of the wizarding society seems to lack empathy; I join you in doubting that much research on the subject has been done.