“Participants considered introspective information more than behavioral information for assessing bias in themsel ves, but not others. This divergence did not arise simply from di V erences in introspective access. The blind spot persisted when observers had access to the introspections of the actor whose bias they judged. And, participants claimed that they, but not their peers, should rely on introspections when making self-assessments of bias. Only after being educated about the importance of nonconscious processes in guiding judgm ent and action—and thereby about the fallibility of introspection—did participants cease denying their relative susceptibility to bias”′
Rational expectations are exhausting!
“Participants considered introspective information more than behavioral information for assessing bias in themsel ves, but not others. This divergence did not arise simply from di V erences in introspective access. The blind spot persisted when observers had access to the introspections of the actor whose bias they judged. And, participants claimed that they, but not their peers, should rely on introspections when making self-assessments of bias. Only after being educated about the importance of nonconscious processes in guiding judgm ent and action—and thereby about the fallibility of introspection—did participants cease denying their relative susceptibility to bias”′