A local remark about this: I’ve seen a bunch of reports from other people that GPT-4 is essentially unable to play tic-tac-toe, and this is a shortcoming that was highly surprising to me. Given the amount of impressive things it can otherwise do, failing at playing a simple game whose full solution could well be in its training set is really odd.
Huh. This is something that I could just test immediately, so I tried it.
It looks like this is true. When I play a game of tick-tack-toe with GPT-4 it doesn’t play optimally, and it let me win in 3 turns.
Huh. This is something that I could just test immediately, so I tried it.
It looks like this is true. When I play a game of tick-tack-toe with GPT-4 it doesn’t play optimally, and it let me win in 3 turns.
I wonder if it is letting me win? Maybe if I prompt it to try really hard to win, it will do better?
Nope! It doesn’t seem like it.
It played the exact same (bad) moves as before, and didn’t notice when I had won the game.
Also when I told it I won, it gave a false explanation for how.
It seems like GPT-4 can’t, or at least doesn’t, play tick-tack-toe well?