Hello. I’m William. I am a thirty year-old undergraduate student in the University of Wisconsin—Madison’s Industrial and Systems Engineering department, with some additional study in Computer Science.
The study of logic and rational thought have always been hobbies of mine. My interest in mathematical optimization techniques has also been developing for decades, but this interest in these dark arts started taking steroids when I realized simple ways to apply the techniques to video games and Poker.
I originally stumbled upon this site two years ago, while Google searching various paradoxes. The Allais Paradox was the first post that I read here. I was outraged upon reading it. I checked a few other sources to see what they had to say about Allais. The worst was a video posted by some ponytail-having MBA, because of his poor choice of words in describing the paradox (e.g. “wrong” instead of “inconsistent”).
I have reread the Allais post about a dozen times since then. It no longer outrages me.
The interesting subject matter brought me here originally.
The intuitive and elegant explanations of the subject matter brought me back.
The shockingly high level of class and quality in comments and discussion has made this site one of my favorites.
Hello. I’m William. I am a thirty year-old undergraduate student in the University of Wisconsin—Madison’s Industrial and Systems Engineering department, with some additional study in Computer Science.
The study of logic and rational thought have always been hobbies of mine. My interest in mathematical optimization techniques has also been developing for decades, but this interest in these dark arts started taking steroids when I realized simple ways to apply the techniques to video games and Poker.
I originally stumbled upon this site two years ago, while Google searching various paradoxes. The Allais Paradox was the first post that I read here. I was outraged upon reading it. I checked a few other sources to see what they had to say about Allais. The worst was a video posted by some ponytail-having MBA, because of his poor choice of words in describing the paradox (e.g. “wrong” instead of “inconsistent”).
I have reread the Allais post about a dozen times since then. It no longer outrages me.
The interesting subject matter brought me here originally.
The intuitive and elegant explanations of the subject matter brought me back.
The shockingly high level of class and quality in comments and discussion has made this site one of my favorites.
There’s a good regular meetup here in Madison; you should check it out!
And yeah, the Allais paradox was one of the biggest “wow” moments for me with the original sequences, too.