That’s why they’re called “black arts”, because you’re not supposed to learn them.
Is that why? I wonder, sometimes.
Given our merry band’s contrarian bent, it occurs to me that calling something a “dark art” would be a pretty good way of encouraging its study while simultaneously discouraging its unreflective use. You’d then need to come up with some semi-convincing reasons why it is in fact too Dark for school, though, or you’d look silly.
On the other hand it doesn’t seem to be an Eliezer coinage, which would have made this line of thinking a bit more likely. “Dark Side epistemology” is, but has a narrow enough meaning that I’m not inclined to suspect shenanigans.
Is that why? I wonder, sometimes.
Given our merry band’s contrarian bent, it occurs to me that calling something a “dark art” would be a pretty good way of encouraging its study while simultaneously discouraging its unreflective use. You’d then need to come up with some semi-convincing reasons why it is in fact too Dark for school, though, or you’d look silly.
On the other hand it doesn’t seem to be an Eliezer coinage, which would have made this line of thinking a bit more likely. “Dark Side epistemology” is, but has a narrow enough meaning that I’m not inclined to suspect shenanigans.