I’m twenty years old, queer, poly, crazy, white, Floridian, an atheist, a utilitarian, and a giant geek. I’m double-majoring in sociology and psychology; my other interests range from classical languages (although I am far from fluent) to guitar (although I suck at it) to Neil Gaiman (I… can’t think of a self-deprecating thing to say about my interest in Neil Gaiman). I use zie/zir pronouns, because I identify outside the gender binary; I realize they’re clumsy, but English’s lack of a good gender-neutral pronoun is not my fault. :)
One of my big interests is the intersection between rationality and social justice. I do think that a lot of the -isms (racism, sexism, ableism, etc.) are rooted in cognitive biases, and that we’re not going to be able to eliminate them unless we understand what quirks in the human mind cause them. I blog about masculism (it is like feminism! Except for dudes!) at No Seriously What About Teh Menz; right now it’s kind of full of people talking about Nice-Guy-ism, but normally we have a much more diverse front page. I believe that several of the people here read us (hi Nancy! hi Doug! hi Hugh, I like you, when you say I’m wrong you use citations!).
I’ve lurked here for more than a year; I got here from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, just like everyone else. I’ve made my way through a lot of the Sequences, but need to set aside some time to read through all of them. I don’t know much about philosophy, math, science, or computers, so I imagine I will be lurking here a lot. :)
Hi Ozy, it’s really good to see you here, I enjoy the blog a lot. I remember reading one of your first social justice 101 posts, finding it peppered with LW links, and thinking “holy crap, somebody’s using LW as a resource to get important background information out of the way while talking about something-really-important-that-isn’t-itself-rationality—this is awesome and totally what LW should be for”, so that made me happy =)
Thanks! LW actually helped me crystallize that a lot of the stuff social-justice-types talk about is not some special case of human evil, but the natural consequence of various cognitive biases (that, in this case, serves to disadvantage certain types of people).
Her blog is good. Instead of blindly cheering for a side in the feminism vs men’s-rights football game, Ozymandias actually tries to understand the problem and recommend workable solutions.
Thank you very much, Miley! I tend to view feminism and men’s rights as being inherently complementary: in general, if we make women more free of oppressive gender roles, we will tend to make men more free of oppressive gender roles, and vice versa. However, in the great football game of feminists and men’s rights advocates, I’m pretty much on Team Feminism, which is why I get so upset when it’s clearly doing things wrong.
However, in the great football game of feminists and men’s rights advocates, I’m pretty much on Team Feminism, which is why I get so upset when it’s clearly doing things wrong.
What I meant is that you actually demand results from your team, instead of giving them a free pass just because they have a certain label.
Ah, thank you. I misunderstood. :) I’ve had a few problems with people being confused about why my blog uses so much feminist dogma if it’s a men’s rights blog, so I’m hyper-sensitive about being mistaken for a non-feminist.
I am really happy to see you on here! I enjoy your blog.
This map shows that as of last week-ish there were at least four Floridians on LW. Unfortunately, their identity is unknown, and you guys seem to be spread out. But if you post a meetup, you can see who responds. Good luck!
I just got back to Saint Petersburg from a trip to San Francisco that included a meetup at Tortuga, and that was nifty, so I’ll throw my hat into the ring.
That could be cool if we ever got around to it. I’m usually in either Daytona Beach or Gainesville, not that it’s too big of a state to drive across… at least width-wise.
Hi everyone! I’m Ozy.
I’m twenty years old, queer, poly, crazy, white, Floridian, an atheist, a utilitarian, and a giant geek. I’m double-majoring in sociology and psychology; my other interests range from classical languages (although I am far from fluent) to guitar (although I suck at it) to Neil Gaiman (I… can’t think of a self-deprecating thing to say about my interest in Neil Gaiman). I use zie/zir pronouns, because I identify outside the gender binary; I realize they’re clumsy, but English’s lack of a good gender-neutral pronoun is not my fault. :)
One of my big interests is the intersection between rationality and social justice. I do think that a lot of the -isms (racism, sexism, ableism, etc.) are rooted in cognitive biases, and that we’re not going to be able to eliminate them unless we understand what quirks in the human mind cause them. I blog about masculism (it is like feminism! Except for dudes!) at No Seriously What About Teh Menz; right now it’s kind of full of people talking about Nice-Guy-ism, but normally we have a much more diverse front page. I believe that several of the people here read us (hi Nancy! hi Doug! hi Hugh, I like you, when you say I’m wrong you use citations!).
I’ve lurked here for more than a year; I got here from Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, just like everyone else. I’ve made my way through a lot of the Sequences, but need to set aside some time to read through all of them. I don’t know much about philosophy, math, science, or computers, so I imagine I will be lurking here a lot. :)
Hi Ozy, it’s really good to see you here, I enjoy the blog a lot. I remember reading one of your first social justice 101 posts, finding it peppered with LW links, and thinking “holy crap, somebody’s using LW as a resource to get important background information out of the way while talking about something-really-important-that-isn’t-itself-rationality—this is awesome and totally what LW should be for”, so that made me happy =)
Thanks! LW actually helped me crystallize that a lot of the stuff social-justice-types talk about is not some special case of human evil, but the natural consequence of various cognitive biases (that, in this case, serves to disadvantage certain types of people).
Her blog is good. Instead of blindly cheering for a side in the feminism vs men’s-rights football game, Ozymandias actually tries to understand the problem and recommend workable solutions.
Thank you very much, Miley! I tend to view feminism and men’s rights as being inherently complementary: in general, if we make women more free of oppressive gender roles, we will tend to make men more free of oppressive gender roles, and vice versa. However, in the great football game of feminists and men’s rights advocates, I’m pretty much on Team Feminism, which is why I get so upset when it’s clearly doing things wrong.
Also, my pronoun is zie, please. :)
What I meant is that you actually demand results from your team, instead of giving them a free pass just because they have a certain label.
Ah, thank you. I misunderstood. :) I’ve had a few problems with people being confused about why my blog uses so much feminist dogma if it’s a men’s rights blog, so I’m hyper-sensitive about being mistaken for a non-feminist.
Hi, Ozy!
I’ve enjoyed your writing at No Seriously What About Teh Menz; so it’s good to see you here.
Hi Ozy! (It’s Doug.) Glad to see you decided to stop lurking and join in!
Hi Ozy!
The only LWer that I’ve noticed was from Florida! (Of course, people don’t too frequently pepper their posts with particulars of their placement.)
Where are you? I’m in Fort Lauderdale and the Tampa area. If we’re near each other maybe we could arrange one of those meetup thingies...
Hi ozy!
I am really happy to see you on here! I enjoy your blog.
This map shows that as of last week-ish there were at least four Floridians on LW. Unfortunately, their identity is unknown, and you guys seem to be spread out. But if you post a meetup, you can see who responds. Good luck!
I just got back to Saint Petersburg from a trip to San Francisco that included a meetup at Tortuga, and that was nifty, so I’ll throw my hat into the ring.
That could be cool if we ever got around to it. I’m usually in either Daytona Beach or Gainesville, not that it’s too big of a state to drive across… at least width-wise.
turns into a raving fanboy, squees, explodes
Dammit, could someone clean the fanboy off the ceiling? The goop is getting in my hair. :)