I don’t even know if you are still paying attention to LW, but I just found this response. Yes, there is some semblance of a LW group in Houston, mostly focused around the Rice/Med center area, unsurprisingly. Right now, we’re on temporary hiatus. There are three regular members, including myself. We have been going over ET Jayne’s “The Logic of Science”, but our collective workloads have gone up recently, and we were no longer able to put in the effort required to get something out of it. Hopefully we will get started back again in the summer when we all have more time.
It also looks like there will be a club focused on the singularity and surrounding issues at Rice soon. There are a dozen or so people interested in learning neural networks, computational biology/neuroscience, bayesian stat, etc. I plan to help with that a lot, and it’s a good possibility that a Houston LW group might be tightly integrated with that group. One of our problems was lack of people, and this would be a good pool to draw from. I’ll send you more information about it if you want.
Hey Blashimov,
I don’t even know if you are still paying attention to LW, but I just found this response. Yes, there is some semblance of a LW group in Houston, mostly focused around the Rice/Med center area, unsurprisingly. Right now, we’re on temporary hiatus. There are three regular members, including myself. We have been going over ET Jayne’s “The Logic of Science”, but our collective workloads have gone up recently, and we were no longer able to put in the effort required to get something out of it. Hopefully we will get started back again in the summer when we all have more time.
It also looks like there will be a club focused on the singularity and surrounding issues at Rice soon. There are a dozen or so people interested in learning neural networks, computational biology/neuroscience, bayesian stat, etc. I plan to help with that a lot, and it’s a good possibility that a Houston LW group might be tightly integrated with that group. One of our problems was lack of people, and this would be a good pool to draw from. I’ll send you more information about it if you want.
Could I get that more information, if more is to be had? I am a gad student, and somewhat disconnected from the undergrad social networks.