“Microeconomics is obviously nonpartisan, because microeconomics is almost completely apolitical. The gloves come off with macro.”
Not really
Price fixing… pigovian taxation.… sales taxes > income taxes.… zoning laws… free trade… licensing regulations… immigration.… lots of political issues where economists agree on a great deal because of microecon
Krugman and Delong are much more combative than the typical economist. You’ll get a very skewed picture if you only read Krugman and the people Krugman links to. He’s in the public eye so that tends to have, I think, a very negative impact on his popular writing.
“Microeconomics is obviously nonpartisan, because microeconomics is almost completely apolitical. The gloves come off with macro.”
Not really
Price fixing… pigovian taxation.… sales taxes > income taxes.… zoning laws… free trade… licensing regulations… immigration.… lots of political issues where economists agree on a great deal because of microecon
Krugman and Delong are much more combative than the typical economist. You’ll get a very skewed picture if you only read Krugman and the people Krugman links to. He’s in the public eye so that tends to have, I think, a very negative impact on his popular writing.