No, though parts of it were. Of course, people here who agree with me on that will likely disagree as to which parts those are.
The main virtue of this list, and of dfranke’s list that led to its production, is that the list stimulates thinking. For example, your question 9c struck me as somewhat nonsensical, and I think I learned something by trying to read some sense into it. (A space can have many measures. One imposes a particular measure for some purpose. What are we trying to accomplish by imposing a measure here?)
Another thought stimulated by your list of questions was whether it might be interesting/useful/fun to produce a LessWrong version of the Philpapers survey. My conclusion was that it would probably require more work than it would be worth. But YMMV, so I will put the idea “out there”.
No, though parts of it were. Of course, people here who agree with me on that will likely disagree as to which parts those are.
The main virtue of this list, and of dfranke’s list that led to its production, is that the list stimulates thinking. For example, your question 9c struck me as somewhat nonsensical, and I think I learned something by trying to read some sense into it. (A space can have many measures. One imposes a particular measure for some purpose. What are we trying to accomplish by imposing a measure here?)
Another thought stimulated by your list of questions was whether it might be interesting/useful/fun to produce a LessWrong version of the Philpapers survey. My conclusion was that it would probably require more work than it would be worth. But YMMV, so I will put the idea “out there”.