Yes, this is a very hypocritical post. Surely the problem with that New York Times front page isn’t some fancy meta-level principle it was violating, it’s that the object-level arguments against the email thing being this important are so strong!
To my eye, the object-level errors are a warning sign that there’s a deeper thing going wrong.
But hopefully if I succeeded in convincing the world this is a problem, I’d be able to stop talking about “deeper things” and go back to simple object-level arguments. Like how the purpose of good philosophy is often just to help people unlearn bad philosophy.
I had some impulse to respond on the direct level to the Clinton examples, but ironically it doesn’t seem to be a good idea here ;)
Yes, this is a very hypocritical post. Surely the problem with that New York Times front page isn’t some fancy meta-level principle it was violating, it’s that the object-level arguments against the email thing being this important are so strong!
To my eye, the object-level errors are a warning sign that there’s a deeper thing going wrong.
But hopefully if I succeeded in convincing the world this is a problem, I’d be able to stop talking about “deeper things” and go back to simple object-level arguments. Like how the purpose of good philosophy is often just to help people unlearn bad philosophy.