First off, for it to preserve no information at all would be extremely surprising. If there are physical structures, that’s some kind of information. But that’s not the question we’re interested in—we are interested in relevant information. As you say, preserving a neural network is the “holy grail” (at least if you aren’t counting loftier yet less crucial goals like reversible whole-body suspension). Notwithstanding, we do have evidence that there is at least some brain structure being preserved—there are pictures and everything.
First off, for it to preserve no information at all would be extremely surprising. If there are physical structures, that’s some kind of information. But that’s not the question we’re interested in—we are interested in relevant information. As you say, preserving a neural network is the “holy grail” (at least if you aren’t counting loftier yet less crucial goals like reversible whole-body suspension). Notwithstanding, we do have evidence that there is at least some brain structure being preserved—there are pictures and everything.