A simple fix is to just reduce the size of text in your browser when reading it by clicking ctrl and minus or control and scroll-down or whatever the shortcut is for your browser. It’s not the best solution and it is client-side but it helps reading things like that if you get annoyed by it.
This post will be seen by hundreds or thousands of humans. Asking each one to individually adjust their equipment to make it readable is a huge waste of human time. The submitter should fix it in the source.
To me at least, the large font size is really really annoying. If anybody knows how to fix it, please speak up.
A simple fix is to just reduce the size of text in your browser when reading it by clicking ctrl and minus or control and scroll-down or whatever the shortcut is for your browser. It’s not the best solution and it is client-side but it helps reading things like that if you get annoyed by it.
This post will be seen by hundreds or thousands of humans. Asking each one to individually adjust their equipment to make it readable is a huge waste of human time. The submitter should fix it in the source.
Yes, this is what I was referring to when I said