I am of the same opinion of you. I chose rhetorically to emit this argument because it is more radical and I was not sure exactly of my bearings on the open sea of values. But seeing that you are of the same type as me, I would agree with you. I do not think it is feasible in any sense of the word as of now.
Not a native speaker I am guessing? Where “same opinions as you” expresses agreement “same opinion of you” has more potential as a retort. “Emit” gives approximately the opposite meaning to what I assume you intended, given that you did not release, give off, send out or express the radical opinion—you omitted it. (I assume English is a second language since your thoughts seem far more advanced than your expression thereof.)
No actually english is my first language. Though I have spent the past 6 years deeply immersed in the study of Chinese linguistics and scholarship. So I apologize in advance for comma splicing or other somewhat awkward rhetorical strategies that I may use. I try to think in chinese as much as I can and I guess it messes me up at points.
That said, I do not see a causal correlation between the quality of my ideas and my mastery of the english language. I know very well that on a scale of 1-10 it would be generous to call my writing a 7. But I do not think that defines the nature of my thoughts, especially since you do not know what stage of the writing process my responses are in. I will go ahead and tell you anything I write on this site is done in a single draft. I am writing not to meet the rhetorical standards of whatever game you are playing. I am writing because of the potential to see what emerges from me when I mix with interesting materials such as Mr./Mrs MixedNuts. Personally I do not see the point in attacking rhetoric, especially if the idea is conveyed. It seems as insecure as my own initial vilifying of Mr./Mrs. MixedNuts. In fact it fulfills the stereotype I was expecting to meet in posting on this website!
However, if I can have my insecurities, then I cannot hold your insecurities against you. So I forgive you, and I hope we can keep talking.
I am of the same opinion of you. I chose rhetorically to emit this argument because it is more radical and I was not sure exactly of my bearings on the open sea of values. But seeing that you are of the same type as me, I would agree with you. I do not think it is feasible in any sense of the word as of now.
Not a native speaker I am guessing? Where “same opinions as you” expresses agreement “same opinion of you” has more potential as a retort. “Emit” gives approximately the opposite meaning to what I assume you intended, given that you did not release, give off, send out or express the radical opinion—you omitted it. (I assume English is a second language since your thoughts seem far more advanced than your expression thereof.)
No actually english is my first language. Though I have spent the past 6 years deeply immersed in the study of Chinese linguistics and scholarship. So I apologize in advance for comma splicing or other somewhat awkward rhetorical strategies that I may use. I try to think in chinese as much as I can and I guess it messes me up at points.
That said, I do not see a causal correlation between the quality of my ideas and my mastery of the english language. I know very well that on a scale of 1-10 it would be generous to call my writing a 7. But I do not think that defines the nature of my thoughts, especially since you do not know what stage of the writing process my responses are in. I will go ahead and tell you anything I write on this site is done in a single draft. I am writing not to meet the rhetorical standards of whatever game you are playing. I am writing because of the potential to see what emerges from me when I mix with interesting materials such as Mr./Mrs MixedNuts. Personally I do not see the point in attacking rhetoric, especially if the idea is conveyed. It seems as insecure as my own initial vilifying of Mr./Mrs. MixedNuts. In fact it fulfills the stereotype I was expecting to meet in posting on this website! However, if I can have my insecurities, then I cannot hold your insecurities against you. So I forgive you, and I hope we can keep talking.