Quick feedback: Thanking people for their contributions is awesome, but with this many people contributing, your thank-yous are completely stomping the “recent comments” section, which makes it harder to keep up with site flow. If you want to publicly thank everyone, a top-level reply to the article twice per day that thanks each of that day’s contributors by name will keep your article in LessWrong’s “front-of-mind presence” and give everyone their deserved recognition without lowering the signal-to-noise ratio.
This is not to disparage your excellent organization or your dedication to it; I will be donating myself ASAP.
The main problem with this is that it makes it cumbersome to send notifications to the people you’re thanking. I also feel like your method would come off as more impersonal, distant, and artificial.
I haven’t gotten the sense that thanking donors is a huge problem, since funding drives only occur once a year. Perhaps if we had hundreds of donors rather than a few dozen leaving comments. I may be undervaluing the cleanness of the Recent Comments section because I don’t use it regularly enough, but my current feeling is that a few minutes of annoyance for Recent Comments browsers is worth it for making an important comment section feel slightly more warm and personable to a much larger and less LW-savvy audience. And for giving Anna and Luke a bit less work.
Donated 40€. I was going to donate to MIRI or CFAR, and chose CFAR due to this Facebook discussion.
Quick feedback: Thanking people for their contributions is awesome, but with this many people contributing, your thank-yous are completely stomping the “recent comments” section, which makes it harder to keep up with site flow. If you want to publicly thank everyone, a top-level reply to the article twice per day that thanks each of that day’s contributors by name will keep your article in LessWrong’s “front-of-mind presence” and give everyone their deserved recognition without lowering the signal-to-noise ratio.
This is not to disparage your excellent organization or your dedication to it; I will be donating myself ASAP.
The main problem with this is that it makes it cumbersome to send notifications to the people you’re thanking. I also feel like your method would come off as more impersonal, distant, and artificial.
I haven’t gotten the sense that thanking donors is a huge problem, since funding drives only occur once a year. Perhaps if we had hundreds of donors rather than a few dozen leaving comments. I may be undervaluing the cleanness of the Recent Comments section because I don’t use it regularly enough, but my current feeling is that a few minutes of annoyance for Recent Comments browsers is worth it for making an important comment section feel slightly more warm and personable to a much larger and less LW-savvy audience. And for giving Anna and Luke a bit less work.