If probability has a smallest divisible unit, it seems like there would have to be one or more least probable series of events.
If I was to anticipate that there was one or more least probable series of events, it seems like I would have to also anticipate that additional events will stop occurring in the future. If events are still taking place, a particular even more complicated series of events can continue growing more improbable than whatever I had previously thought of as a least probable event.
So it seems an alternative way of looking at this question is “Do I expect events to still be taking place in the future?” In which case I anticipate the answer is “Yes” (I have no evidence to suggest they will stop) and I think I have dissolved the more confusing question I was starting with.
Given that that makes sense to me, I think my next step is if it makes sense to other people. If I’ve come up with an explanation which makes sense only to me, that doesn’t seem likely to be helpful overall.
Good answer to help me focus.
If probability has a smallest divisible unit, it seems like there would have to be one or more least probable series of events.
If I was to anticipate that there was one or more least probable series of events, it seems like I would have to also anticipate that additional events will stop occurring in the future. If events are still taking place, a particular even more complicated series of events can continue growing more improbable than whatever I had previously thought of as a least probable event.
So it seems an alternative way of looking at this question is “Do I expect events to still be taking place in the future?” In which case I anticipate the answer is “Yes” (I have no evidence to suggest they will stop) and I think I have dissolved the more confusing question I was starting with.
Given that that makes sense to me, I think my next step is if it makes sense to other people. If I’ve come up with an explanation which makes sense only to me, that doesn’t seem likely to be helpful overall.
Makes sense to me.