I can’t think of any way to operationalize that bet—other than maybe noting that you have some of the same objections to Zack as to Said, and Zack also has not been banned; but to my mind their styles of interaction on LW are quite different and I can easily imagine someone finding one of them clearly net positive and the other clearly net negative. I guess we could ask the moderators, but they might very reasonably not want to answer that question, and you might fairly reasonably not trust whatever answer they gave.
If we could operationalize it, though, I think I would be quite happy taking the other side of it. 100:1 feels way overconfident to me.
Oh, to be clear: I don’t think Zack should be banned from LW. I’d prefer to never interact with him at all, but as noted elsewhere, I’m perfectly happy to stay in my corner and leave him alone over in his.
(I also can’t think of any way to operationalize the bet.)
I can’t think of any way to operationalize that bet—other than maybe noting that you have some of the same objections to Zack as to Said, and Zack also has not been banned; but to my mind their styles of interaction on LW are quite different and I can easily imagine someone finding one of them clearly net positive and the other clearly net negative. I guess we could ask the moderators, but they might very reasonably not want to answer that question, and you might fairly reasonably not trust whatever answer they gave.
If we could operationalize it, though, I think I would be quite happy taking the other side of it. 100:1 feels way overconfident to me.
Oh, to be clear: I don’t think Zack should be banned from LW. I’d prefer to never interact with him at all, but as noted elsewhere, I’m perfectly happy to stay in my corner and leave him alone over in his.
(I also can’t think of any way to operationalize the bet.)
Lucky, I have a comment saved to that exact effect, as I have been workshopping a community dynamics post for a long time about a related dynamic:
> I don’t intend to ban you any time soon, because I really value your place in this community—you’re one of the few people to build useful community infrastructure like ReadTheSeqeunces.com and the UI of GreaterWrong.com, and that’s been one of the most salient facts to me throughout all of my thinking on this matter. (Ben Pace, 5 years ago now according to the timestamp)