At least the fictional “Adam Savage” character in this show seems relatively unconflicted, both morally & psychologically, about his quest to survive. He didn’t articulate concerns about depriving his life of meaning or thwarting “the single best invention of life,” according to Steve Jobs.
[...] or thwarting “the single best invention of life,” according to Steve Jobs.
Which was even more odd given that it immediately followed a worshipful Jobs documentary featuring Adam Savage and Jamie, which contained that very quote.
At least the fictional “Adam Savage” character in this show seems relatively unconflicted, both morally & psychologically, about his quest to survive. He didn’t articulate concerns about depriving his life of meaning or thwarting “the single best invention of life,” according to Steve Jobs.
[...] or thwarting “the single best invention of life,” according to Steve Jobs.
Which was even more odd given that it immediately followed a worshipful Jobs documentary featuring Adam Savage and Jamie, which contained that very quote.
Why would more life deprive life of it’s meaning?
Oh, your sarcasm just went strait over my head, sorry.