LENR is under-populated. Independent of whether it is valid or not the social effects dominate the scientific ones.
Also interesting: The Fleischman-Pons-Effect may be unreliable in general but the heat/helium ratio is claimed to be stable.
Added: I don’t think the paper by the swedish physicists is smelly either (except in so far as it mentions the E-Cat): Nuclear Spallation and Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive Wave Forcing—note that the specific resonance frequency of the effect could explain the unreliability of the experiment.
It may appear strange that one of the authors Rickard Lundin is an astrophysicist but he well established there (look at the citations) and does have significant experience with interactions of ions in strong fields.
LENR is under-populated.
Saying this implies that you know what the proper population level is. How do you know?
Social effects dominate the attempts to build a perpetuum mobile as well.
In this I rely on the evaluation of Huw Price who surely has a much better grasp of the field(s) than I do.
LENR is under-populated. Independent of whether it is valid or not the social effects dominate the scientific ones.
Also interesting: The Fleischman-Pons-Effect may be unreliable in general but the heat/helium ratio is claimed to be stable.
Added: I don’t think the paper by the swedish physicists is smelly either (except in so far as it mentions the E-Cat): Nuclear Spallation and Neutron Capture Induced by Ponderomotive Wave Forcing—note that the specific resonance frequency of the effect could explain the unreliability of the experiment.
It may appear strange that one of the authors Rickard Lundin is an astrophysicist but he well established there (look at the citations) and does have significant experience with interactions of ions in strong fields.
Saying this implies that you know what the proper population level is. How do you know?
Social effects dominate the attempts to build a perpetuum mobile as well.
In this I rely on the evaluation of Huw Price who surely has a much better grasp of the field(s) than I do.