Just wanted to say—I’m impressed by your dedication to improving your writing style—both in the amount of reference-reading you’re doing to fuel your topics, and in how much you’re willing to take on board the feedback from the community.
For the record, this post is not an instance of my attempts to improve my writing style. I wrote this post months ago.
Luke, I think you’e being pursued by a Sheila.
The Aussie accent is the sexiest.
LOL—no pursuit involved, just honest admiration. Still—can’t deny being a sheila. :)
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Just wanted to say—I’m impressed by your dedication to improving your writing style—both in the amount of reference-reading you’re doing to fuel your topics, and in how much you’re willing to take on board the feedback from the community.
For the record, this post is not an instance of my attempts to improve my writing style. I wrote this post months ago.
Luke, I think you’e being pursued by a Sheila.
The Aussie accent is the sexiest.
LOL—no pursuit involved, just honest admiration. Still—can’t deny being a sheila. :)