The golden rule can perhaps be enhanced by applying it on a meta level: rather than “I would like to be offered oral sex, therefore I should offer oral sex”, a rule of “I like it when people consider my preferences and desires before acting, and offer me things I want—therefore I should do the same for others by being considerate and attentive to their preferences and desires, but I don’t expect they want to be offered oral sex”
But then, if you’re getting different and contradictory recommendations depending on how much meta you decide to apply, that rather defeats the point of having a rule to follow.
The golden rule can perhaps be enhanced by applying it on a meta level: rather than “I would like to be offered oral sex, therefore I should offer oral sex”, a rule of “I like it when people consider my preferences and desires before acting, and offer me things I want—therefore I should do the same for others by being considerate and attentive to their preferences and desires, but I don’t expect they want to be offered oral sex”
But then, if you’re getting different and contradictory recommendations depending on how much meta you decide to apply, that rather defeats the point of having a rule to follow.