Suspended Animation sounds to me like an attempt to escape the problems in the current world, in the hope that a future world might be better. To me, this seems irresponsible. Putting yourself in Suspended Animation seems to me like an attempt to escape responsibility for creating a better future. You’re just leaving it to the people who don’t take it. I want us to create a future world that is significantly better than our current one, but in order to do that, there have to be people that will actually suffer through our current world in order to make it happen, and I can’t justify putting that responsibility on others if I’m not willing to accept it myself.
Suspended Animation sounds to me like an attempt to escape the problems in the current world, in the hope that a future world might be better. To me, this seems irresponsible. Putting yourself in Suspended Animation seems to me like an attempt to escape responsibility for creating a better future. You’re just leaving it to the people who don’t take it. I want us to create a future world that is significantly better than our current one, but in order to do that, there have to be people that will actually suffer through our current world in order to make it happen, and I can’t justify putting that responsibility on others if I’m not willing to accept it myself.
it was like this when I got here.