Other issue is that the evolutionary psychology escapes into describing every single behaviour as evolved, instead of considering the politically loaded option that e.g. some races can be more regulated for violence than others, as result of selective pressure, instead of evolving some nice sounding cognitive module that resolves their problems in non-violent way, or only leads to some fine grained violence. In the evolutionary psychology there’s little talk of adjustment of basic pre-existing emotions.
That’s more because evolutionary psychologists are more concerned with describing behavior than the details of the mechanism by which that behavior comes about.
The gazelle sees backwards by moving eyes to the sides rather than by evolving eye on back of the head.
Ignoring the mechanisms is very foolish. edit: also many of the evolutionary psychologists propose a large number of domain specific modules as a mechanism, which is akin to proposing back eye as the means by which gazelle sees backwards. The gazelle ain’t going to evolve the eye on back of the head, it got 2 eyes which it can move around gradually.
Other issue is that the evolutionary psychology escapes into describing every single behaviour as evolved, instead of considering the politically loaded option that e.g. some races can be more regulated for violence than others, as result of selective pressure, instead of evolving some nice sounding cognitive module that resolves their problems in non-violent way, or only leads to some fine grained violence. In the evolutionary psychology there’s little talk of adjustment of basic pre-existing emotions.
That’s more because evolutionary psychologists are more concerned with describing behavior than the details of the mechanism by which that behavior comes about.
The gazelle sees backwards by moving eyes to the sides rather than by evolving eye on back of the head.
Ignoring the mechanisms is very foolish. edit: also many of the evolutionary psychologists propose a large number of domain specific modules as a mechanism, which is akin to proposing back eye as the means by which gazelle sees backwards. The gazelle ain’t going to evolve the eye on back of the head, it got 2 eyes which it can move around gradually.
Not when most of your evidence is in the form of observations of behavior rather than counting number of eyes.
then don’t be making claims about number of eyes, that’s the point about evo-psych and the cognitive modules of theirs.