Well, I’d try to find a more accurate estimate of mortality and hospitalization for your age group; if you’re younger than 30, I’d be very surprised to find the mortality rate that high. You could also take Acetaminophen instead, as it it is a pain reliever which is NOT an NSAID, and does not seem to cause any stomach bleeding, which should cut it down to the 4x margin. IANAD, though, so take that with a grain of salt, and speak to your GP if you have any particular questions about interactions.
I can follow your maths, but I’m also not a stat major or anything.
Well, I’d try to find a more accurate estimate of mortality and hospitalization for your age group; if you’re younger than 30, I’d be very surprised to find the mortality rate that high. You could also take Acetaminophen instead, as it it is a pain reliever which is NOT an NSAID, and does not seem to cause any stomach bleeding, which should cut it down to the 4x margin. IANAD, though, so take that with a grain of salt, and speak to your GP if you have any particular questions about interactions.
I can follow your maths, but I’m also not a stat major or anything.
Thank you.