Learning Vue, July 2020: Why are there all of these complicated ways to represent state? Shouldn’t developing a web app be simpler than this?
After writing a bunch of vanilla JS, I can see why these frameworks could be useful. I have never made a very big web app, but I could see that keeping track of state and what is or isn’t rendered is hard and gets much harder with a bigger web app.
You should write a web app in vanilla JS before you learn a framework
I have built multiple websites with vanilla JS and I have yet to see any good reason to use a framework for the sorts of things I do. In fact, using a framework would make building something like, say, gwern.net considerably harder, as frameworks are heavily biased toward doing things the way most people do them, and make it very difficult to do anything really innovative and unusual.
I have built multiple websites with vanilla JS and I have yet to see any good reason to use a framework for the sorts of things I do. In fact, using a framework would make building something like, say, gwern.net considerably harder, as frameworks are heavily biased toward doing things the way most people do them, and make it very difficult to do anything really innovative and unusual.