I consider my normative state to be just under or around the ‘happy’ threshold, which I’d consider as between happiness and unhappiness. Happiness essentially equates to a certain chemical balance in the brain, and the same holds true for unhappiness. When the brain releases neurotransmitters equitably, I’d postulate the brain’s chemical balance to reflect neutral emotions.
As an aside, I’ve heard genuinely, innocently laughing releases endorphins just as effectively as exercise; what do you emotively experience when these endorphins release? If you want to hack happiness, exercise or some media you find consistently hilarious might work through pure chemistry. (Note: I may be mistaken in the neuroscience, though doubt it; I’m working on a piece of paper that declares proficiency in the field.)
I consider my normative state to be just under or around the ‘happy’ threshold, which I’d consider as between happiness and unhappiness. Happiness essentially equates to a certain chemical balance in the brain, and the same holds true for unhappiness. When the brain releases neurotransmitters equitably, I’d postulate the brain’s chemical balance to reflect neutral emotions.
As an aside, I’ve heard genuinely, innocently laughing releases endorphins just as effectively as exercise; what do you emotively experience when these endorphins release? If you want to hack happiness, exercise or some media you find consistently hilarious might work through pure chemistry.
(Note: I may be mistaken in the neuroscience, though doubt it; I’m working on a piece of paper that declares proficiency in the field.)