I figured I might as well mention this here. I ran into a problem following these steps (which is how it looked at the time), which was that the selenium tests not working because it didn’t understand the term “bundle”. I found a workaround, and I was just in the middle of writing up a nice bug report when I realized I could just edit the page so it includes my workaround.
In any case, once I got the selenium tests to work, I got a failure:
1) Lesswrong should allow browsing should have ajaxy article navigation fields
Failure/Error: find('#article_nav_controls li')
Unable to find '#article_nav_controls li'
# ./spec/main_spec.rb:195
Finished in 86.15 seconds
12 examples, 1 failure, 1 pending
rake aborted!
ruby -S bundle exec rspec --options "/home/lesswrong/lesswrong/spec/spec.opts" spec/main_spec.rb failed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
I figured I might as well mention this here. I ran into a problem following these steps (which is how it looked at the time), which was that the selenium tests not working because it didn’t understand the term “bundle”. I found a workaround, and I was just in the middle of writing up a nice bug report when I realized I could just edit the page so it includes my workaround.
In any case, once I got the selenium tests to work, I got a failure:
Should I submit that as a bug?
Yes, I think so.