Overall, a lot of this feels to me like asking me to do more work, with no compensation, and no offers of concrete independent help, and putting the burden of making the interaction go well on the critic.
A year ago, I was extremely impressed with the work you were doing and points you were making, and frustrated that those points were not having much impact.
It would have been very, very helpful at that time to have public evidence that anyone at all agreed or at least thought that particular points I was making needed an answer. I’m getting that now, I wasn’t getting that then, so I find it hard to see the appeal in going back to a style that wasn’t working.
My perception was “EA Has A Lying Problem” was an inflection point where a) yeah, people started actually paying attention to the class of criticism you’re doing, but the mechanism by which people started paying attention was by critics invoking rhetoric and courting controversy, which was approximately as bad as the problem it was trying to solve. (or at least, within an order of magnitude as bad)
That was a blog post by Sarah Constantin. I am not Sarah Constantin. I wrote my own post in response and about the same things, which no one is bringing up here because no one remembers it. It got a bit of engagement at the time, but I think most of that was spillover from Sarah’s post.
If you want higher-quality discourse, you can engage more publicly with what you see as the higher-quality discourse. My older posts are still available to engage with on the public internet, and were written to raise points that would still be relevant in the future.
Overall, a lot of this feels to me like asking me to do more work, with no compensation, and no offers of concrete independent help, and putting the burden of making the interaction go well on the critic.
It would have been very, very helpful at that time to have public evidence that anyone at all agreed or at least thought that particular points I was making needed an answer. I’m getting that now, I wasn’t getting that then, so I find it hard to see the appeal in going back to a style that wasn’t working.
That was a blog post by Sarah Constantin. I am not Sarah Constantin. I wrote my own post in response and about the same things, which no one is bringing up here because no one remembers it. It got a bit of engagement at the time, but I think most of that was spillover from Sarah’s post.
If you want higher-quality discourse, you can engage more publicly with what you see as the higher-quality discourse. My older posts are still available to engage with on the public internet, and were written to raise points that would still be relevant in the future.