Depending on which abstractions you emphasize, you can describe a new thing as something completely new under the sun, or as yet another example of something familiar. So the issue is which abstractions make the most sense to use. We have seen cases before where when one growth via some growth channel opened up more growth channels, to further enable growth. So the question is how similar those situations are to this situation, where and AI getting smarter allows an AI to change its architecture in more and better ways. Which is another way of asking which abstractions are most relevant.
Depending on which abstractions you emphasize, you can describe a new thing as something completely new under the sun, or as yet another example of something familiar. So the issue is which abstractions make the most sense to use. We have seen cases before where when one growth via some growth channel opened up more growth channels, to further enable growth. So the question is how similar those situations are to this situation, where and AI getting smarter allows an AI to change its architecture in more and better ways. Which is another way of asking which abstractions are most relevant.