Hi, I’ve been considering and investigating various uncomfortable/unpleasant/dark matters more thoroughly since making that thread, drawing on sources from radical feminists (e.g. Susan Bronwmiller) to “conspiracy nuts” (e.g. Jeff Wells) to far-right (e.g. Moldbug) and far-left (e.g. Maoist) extremists to unorthodox psychologists (e.g. Alice Miller) to anti-natalists/VHEMT (e.g. Sister Y).
Fortunately, my Weltanschauung has proven flexible enough to handle depressing stuff without me going stark raving mad, turning into a fascist/totalitarian, etc (although a few times I did want to break with this dark obsession). As an added effect, my politics did grow more radical (and harder to summarize), although I consider myself less mind-killed then when I started out.
Feel free to contact me through PM if you want to exchange any opinions!
Also, while we’re on to all this, check out The Hoover Hog’s “thoughtcrime” blog—remarkably erudite and charitable with lots of links to such stuff. Much of it is boring, nasty reactionary crap (sorry, people—“keeping blacks and women in their place and letting the White Man reign in glory” is not a novel, surprising or insightful idea, especially to someone aware of the last 200 years of ideological history in the West—and “let the weak slave away for us or perish” is sadly timeless)… but some is rather fascinating.
I agree that much of it is “nasty reactionary crap”, but also that “some is rather fascinating.” For instance, check out the early interview with Brian Tomasik, at a time when he was still publishing under the pseudonym “Alan Dawrst”.
I haven’t seen particular comments doing what I’m doing here. Of course some opinions are taboo! I think my question somewhat less trivial.
Hi, I’ve been considering and investigating various uncomfortable/unpleasant/dark matters more thoroughly since making that thread, drawing on sources from radical feminists (e.g. Susan Bronwmiller) to “conspiracy nuts” (e.g. Jeff Wells) to far-right (e.g. Moldbug) and far-left (e.g. Maoist) extremists to unorthodox psychologists (e.g. Alice Miller) to anti-natalists/VHEMT (e.g. Sister Y).
Fortunately, my Weltanschauung has proven flexible enough to handle depressing stuff without me going stark raving mad, turning into a fascist/totalitarian, etc (although a few times I did want to break with this dark obsession). As an added effect, my politics did grow more radical (and harder to summarize), although I consider myself less mind-killed then when I started out.
Feel free to contact me through PM if you want to exchange any opinions!
Also, while we’re on to all this, check out The Hoover Hog’s “thoughtcrime” blog—remarkably erudite and charitable with lots of links to such stuff. Much of it is boring, nasty reactionary crap (sorry, people—“keeping blacks and women in their place and letting the White Man reign in glory” is not a novel, surprising or insightful idea, especially to someone aware of the last 200 years of ideological history in the West—and “let the weak slave away for us or perish” is sadly timeless)… but some is rather fascinating.
I agree that much of it is “nasty reactionary crap”, but also that “some is rather fascinating.” For instance, check out the early interview with Brian Tomasik, at a time when he was still publishing under the pseudonym “Alan Dawrst”.